
The GCE3000 Vending system, as a core component of the GCE3000 Smart Metering Sys...
We are very pleased to inform everyone that our ANSI meters has been officially r...
Posted by: admin | 2023-07-06
ANSI meters released
The warm summer is full of vitality. In order to create a happy, healthy and harm...
The official website of Zhejiang Goldcard Power-Tech has been revised and officia...
Goldcard power-tech three phase smart meter UNP234 and single phase smart meter U...
Posted by: admin | 2022-04-09
Smart meter UNP112&UNP234 get DLMS certificate
Goldcard power-tech Factory Information management (FIS) was commissioned in our ...
Posted by: admin | 2021-05-08
FIS system commissioned in west Africa
Goldcard power-tech smart single phase meter UNP112 and three UNP234 meter get ce...
Posted by: admin | 2021-04-08
Smart meter certificated by KEMA lab
Goldcard power-tech single phase DIN-Rail prepaid meter UND212, single phase prep...
Posted by: admin | 2018-12-25
Prepaid meter get STS Edition 2 certificate