
Smart Water Metering Solution

Goldcard Power-Tech's Smart (AMI) prepaid water metering solution helps water utilities increase the income greatly and assists in the process of digital transformation. The solution offers greater control for the end user, through a flexible prepayment mode, and greater control for the utility, enabling real-time data on water demand across the supply area, and supporting a shift from reactive firefighting to preventative planning. 

Main Functions

  • Recharge locally via CIU or online via mobile phone; 
  • Pre-programmable low credit warning;
  • Automatically shut off value once any tamper or fraud occur; 
  • Emergency water (overdraft);
  • Pre-programmable low credit warning;
  • Pre-programmable Social Amount (Monthly Free Consumption);
  • Non-switch off during holidays, weekend & off-duty time;
  • Data auto-save when battery off;
  • 10 years’ monthly consumption data record.

Key Features

  • STS (Standard Transfer Specification) IEC62055-41, 51 compliant; 
  • Support RF radio frequency or Bluetooth communication; 
  • AES/3DES Encryption to ensure the data security;
  • Support the meter with Multi-jet (Brass) or Volumetric (Plastic);
  • Anti external magnetic interference.