
IoT Cluster Metering Cabinet Solution

Goldcard Power-Tech IoT Cluster Metering Cabinet solution is designed for the scenarios where electricity tampering occurs frequently. The solution is based on a well-known open standard IEC 62055-41 Standard Transfer Specification (STS). The solution with low communication cost completely eliminates electricity tampering and protect the revenue for the utility client. 

Main Functions

  • Fully compatible with STS 2.0 and CTS standards
  • Diverse ways to purchase electricity
  • Support bidirectional communication between system and meter
  • Flexible and diverse communication methods
  • Self-defined reports

Key Features

  • Compliance with latest STS6 Standard and avoid 2024 TID problem
  • Disruptive centralized prepaid management for all prepaid meters
  • Support concurrent mass transaction management for vending platform
  • Improve cash flow for utility customers
  • Reduce Non-technical line losses and analysis technical line losses for future decision maker